Version 3.3.2
▼NCarna | |
►Nbase | Contains the core framework components |
►Nmath | Provides set of math-related classes and functions |
Celement_type_of | Retrieves element types of vectors and scalars. General case assumes a scalar type |
Celement_type_of< Eigen::Matrix< VectorElementType, rows, cols > > | Retrieves element types of vectors and scalars. This is the specialization for vector and matrix types |
CRay | Defines ray in \(D^d\) where \(D\) is the Scalar type derived from VectorType and \(d\) is dimension of VectorType |
CRay3f | Defines ray in \(\mathbb R^3\) |
CRayPlaneHitTest | Tests whether particular plane is hit by a Ray object |
CRaySphereHitTest | Tests whether sphere in origin is hit by a Ray object |
CSpan | Defines an interval \(\left[a, b\right]\) with \(a,b \in\) T |
CStatistics | Holds mean and variance of an characteristic |
CVectorField | Abstract definition of an \(\mathbb Z_0^3 \to T\) vector field where \(T\) is ValueType |
CAggregation | Represents an aggregation, i.e. a weak reference |
CAssertionFailure | Carna exception that indicates a failed assertion |
CAssociation | Represents an association |
CBaseBuffer | Implements OpenGL buffer objects maintenance RAII base class |
CBlendFunction | Defines how alpha blending is to be performed |
CBoundingBox | Defines a Geometry minimal boundary box |
CBoundingSphere | Defines a Geometry minimal boundary sphere |
CBoundingVolume | Represents a Geometry minimal boundary volume of simple geometric shape. The volume is centered within its local coordinate system |
CBreakForDebug | Controls whether the CARNA_BREAK_FOR_DEBUG macro produces a break point or not |
CBufferedHUVolume | Implements HUVolume generically for a particular VoxelType |
CBufferedIntensityVolume | Implements IntensityVolume generically for a particular VoxelType |
CBufferedNormalMap3D | Implements NormalMap3D generically for a particular VoxelType |
CBufferedVectorFieldFormat | Maps math::VectorField implementations to Texture formats |
CBufferedVectorFieldFormat< HUVolumeUInt16 > | Defines Texture format for HUVolumeUInt16 |
CBufferedVectorFieldFormat< IntensityVolumeUInt16 > | Defines Texture format for IntensityVolumeUInt16 |
CBufferedVectorFieldFormat< IntensityVolumeUInt8 > | Defines Texture format for IntensityVolumeUInt8 |
CBufferedVectorFieldFormat< NormalMap3DInt8 > | Defines Texture format for NormalMap3DInt8 |
CBufferedVectorFieldTexture | Specializes the ManagedTexture3D class s.t. the texture's data is initialized from a math::VectorField that supports a buffer method, like BufferedHUVolume and BufferedNormalMap3D do |
CCamera | Represents the point-of-view and defines the 3D to 2D projection |
CCameraControl | Defines interface for intuitive Camera control |
CCarnaException | Base exception class that provides distinct attributes for the type (category) of the exception, a message and an optional details section |
CColor | Represents a color. Objects from this class are copyable and assignable |
CComposition | Represents a composition, i.e. a strong reference. This basically is a std::unique_ptr that supports the Association interface |
►CFramebuffer | Maintains a framebuffer object that supports up to 8 color components simultaneously |
CBinding | Acts like MinimalBinding, but checks the bound framebuffer for validity and allows rendering |
CMinimalBinding | Maintains the binding of a Framebuffer in a RAII-manner |
►CFrameRenderer | Defines logic for rendering frames from given scenes |
CRenderTextureParams | Specifies how renderTexture is to be performed |
CGeometry | Defines scene graph leafs. Instances of this class represent visible geometry that can be rendered. The way of rendering is defined by the geometry rendering stage with matching geometryType |
►CGeometryFeature | Represents "components" that are aggregated by Geometry objects. Closer description is given here |
CManagedInterface | Represents an acquisition of the video resources from a particular GeometryFeature. This acquisition realizes the RAII idiom |
CGeometryStage | Partially implements a rendering stage that uses at least one render queue for rendering geometry from the scene graph |
CGLContext | Wraps and represents an OpenGL context |
CHUV | Represents values in \(\left[-1024, +3071\right]\) |
CHUVolume | Defines interface to \(\mathbb N_0^3 \to \left[-1024,3071\right]\) volumetric data |
CIndexBuffer | Specializes IndexBufferBase for particular IndexType |
CIndexBufferBase | Maintains GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER object that holds the vertex indices, that interconnect the vertices to primitives. This class realizes the RAII-idiom |
CIndexBufferTypeMapper | Maps index buffer element types to descriptive constants |
CIndexBufferTypeMapper< uint16_t > | Maps uint16_t to IndexBufferBase::TYPE_UINT_16 |
CIndexBufferTypeMapper< uint32_t > | Maps uint32_t to IndexBufferBase::TYPE_UINT_32 |
CIndexBufferTypeMapper< uint8_t > | Maps uint8_t to IndexBufferBase::TYPE_UINT_8 |
CIntensityVolume | Defines interface to \(\mathbb N_0^3 \to \left[0,1\right]\) volume data |
►CLog | Records log messages. The log writing is delegated to implementations of the Log::Writer interface. The default writer is an instance from Log::StdWriter class |
COnShutdownListener | Defines callback interface that is invoked when the Log system is about to shut down |
CStdWriter | Writes fatal and error classified log messages to std::cerr and such classified as warning or debug to std::cout |
CTagScope | Enforces the log to use a specific tag for the duration of the existence of the object from this class. The CARNA_LOG_TAG_SCOPE macro is provided for convenience |
CTextWriter | Abstract implementation of the Writer interface, that formats log messages along with their severity as pure ASCII character chains |
CWriter | Writes log entries |
CManagedMesh | Implements MeshBase class for particular VertexType and IndexType |
CManagedMeshBase | Represents MeshBase object whose lifetime is managed by instances of this class. This is a format-independent abstract ManagedMesh base class |
CManagedMeshInterface | Interfaces the MeshBase that a ManagedMeshBase represents |
CManagedTexture3D | Represents 3D OpenGL texture object whose lifetime is managed by instances of this class |
CManagedTexture3DInterface | Interfaces the Texture<3> that a ManagedTexture3D represents |
►CMaterial | Specifies the shader and it's configuration that are to be used for rendering a Geometry node with a MeshRenderingStage. Custom implementations could also tweak the render state |
CManagedInterface | Represents an acquisition of video resources from a particular Material. This realizes the RAII idiom |
CMesh | Implements MeshBase class for particular VertexType and IndexType |
CMeshBase | Format-independent abstract Mesh base class. Each mesh consists of a VertexBuffer, an IndexBuffer and a vertex array. This class realizes the RAII-idiom w.r.t. the vertex array |
CMeshFactory | Creates simple predefined ManagedMesh instances |
CMeshRenderingStage | Implements a geometry rendering stage that renders meshes |
CMeshRenderingStageBase | Defines MeshRenderingStage class template instance invariants |
CNode | Defines the inner node of a scene graph. Implements a spatial scene element that is allowed to have children, but cannot be rendered |
CNodeListener | Notified by Node objects |
Cnoncopyable | Objects from classes inheriting this cannot be copied |
CNormalMap3D | Defines interface to \(\mathbb N_0^3 \to \left\{\vec v \middle| \left\|\vec v \in \mathbb R^3\right\|_2 \leq 1\right\}\) mapping |
CPCVertex | Defines vertex that consists of the two attributes position and color |
CPNVertex | Defines vertex that consists of the two attributes position and normal vector |
CProjectionControl | Controls projection matrices |
CPVertex | Defines simple-most vertex that only consists of a positional attribute |
CQGLContextAdapter | If you're using Qt, this class template implements the abstract GLContext class as an adapter to the QGLContext class from Qt |
►CRenderable | Represents a Geometry object that has been queued into a RenderQueue. The object's model-view transform has been computed in particular |
CDepthOrder | Defines partial order for renderables w.r.t. to their depth in eye space |
CVideoResourcesOrder | Establishes partial order for renderables s.t. geometries with such GeometryFeature instances, that do control the same video resource, are grouped together |
CRenderQueue | Gathers renderable geometry nodes from scene graph and provides those in a particular order, if required |
CRenderStage | Base abstract class of each rendering stage. Refer to the documentation of the rendering process |
CRenderStageListener | Defines callbacks for RenderStage lifetime events |
CRenderStageSequence | Represents a rendering stages sequence |
CRenderState | Manages the OpenGL render state |
CRenderTask | Invokes the rendering stages of the frame renderer successively |
CRotatingColor | Supplies colors from a predefined, distinctive palette |
CSampler | Maintains an OpenGL texture sampler object. This class realizes the RAII-idiom |
CShader | Maintains an OpenGL shader object. Realizes the RAII-idiom |
CShaderCompilationError | Thrown when shader compilation fails |
CShaderManager | Ensures that each shader is built just once and not each time someone requests it |
►CShaderProgram | Maintains an OpenGL shader program. Realizes the RAII-idiom |
CFactory | Creates OpenGL shader program |
CShaderUniform | Implements ShaderUniformBase class for particular ValueType |
CShaderUniformBase | Type-independent abstract ShaderUniform base class |
CShaderUniformType | Maps ShaderUniform value types to actually uploaded data types. This general case maps T to T |
CShaderUniformType< Color > | Maps the ShaderUniform value type Color to uploaded type math::Vector4f |
CSingleton | Singleton base class |
CSpatial | Represents a spatial scene element. It's location is determined relatively to another spatial that is called its parent. This parent-child relationship induces the scene graph concept |
CSpatialMovement | Handles the displacement of a Spatial object in a drag-&-drop like manner |
CStopwatch | Implements stopwatch using the robust wallclock time from OMP that most compilers support |
CTexture | Represents an OpenGL texture object. This class realizes the RAII-idiom |
CTextureBase | Texture base class with dimension-independent definitions |
CVertexAttribute | Declares a vertex attribute |
CVertexBuffer | Specializes VertexBufferBase for particular VertexType |
CVertexBufferBase | Maintains GL_ARRAY_BUFFER object that holds vertices. This class realizes the RAII-idiom |
CVertexColor | Defines vertex component for colors. Usage is explained here |
CVertexNormal | Defines vertex component for normal vectors. Usage is explained here |
CVertexPosition | Defines vertex component for position vectors. Usage is explained here |
CViewport | Defines a rendering viewport. The viewport is a property of the current OpenGL context |
►CVolumeGrid | Represents a particular partitioning of volumetric data |
CIntensitySelector | References the intensity volume of a given partition |
CNormalSelector | References the normal map of a given partition |
CVolumeSegment | Represents a single volumetric data partition |
CVolumeSegmentNormalsComponent | Represents the normal map component of an VolumeSegment object |
CVolumeSegmentNormalsComponent< void > | Specializes VolumeSegmentNormalsComponent when no normal maps are desired |
►Nhelpers | Contains components that simplify the handling of more complex interfaces from both, base and presets |
►Ndetails | Holds implementation details |
►NVolumeGridHelper | Holds implementation details of Carna::helpers::VolumeGridHelper |
CIntensityComponent | Defines the helpers::VolumeGridHelper component that maintains intensity volume data |
CIntensityTextureFactory | Creates textures that represents base::VolumeSegment::intensities in video memory |
CNormalsComponent | Defines the helpers::VolumeGridHelper component that computes and maintains normal maps |
CNormalsComponent< SegmentIntensityVolumeType, void > | Specializes NormalsComponent when no normals are required |
CNormalsComponentBase | Defines the NormalsComponent base class that is independent of type arguments |
CNormalsTextureFactory | Creates textures that represents base::VolumeSegmentNormalsComponent::normals in video memory |
CPartionining | Computes the partitioning that VolumeGridHelper uses along one dimension |
CTextureManager | Provides mapping base::VolumeSegment to base::ManagedTexture3D objects in a caching manner. Uses TextureFactory to create new base::ManagedTexture3D instances when cache entry does not exist |
CDefaultRenderStageOrder | Defines default rendering stages order used by FrameRendererHelper |
CFrameRendererHelper | Adds rendering stages to a base::FrameRenderer object according to RenderStageOrder |
CPointMarkerHelper | Simplifies the creation and maintenance of point markers |
CVolumeGridHelper | Computes the partitioning of volumetric data and the corresponding normal map. Also creates scene nodes that insert the volumetric data into a scene |
►CVolumeGridHelperBase | Defines type-parameters-independent VolumeGridHelper base interface |
CDimensions | Specifies the dimensions of the whole dataset in millimeters |
CSpacing | Specifies the spacing between two succeeding voxel centers in millimeters |
►Npresets | Contains ready-to-use components that are assembled only using the core framework components |
CCameraNavigationControl | Implements base::CameraControl, rotates the camera around itself and allows completely free camera movement |
CCameraShowcaseControl | Implements base::CameraControl, rotates the camera around its parent node. The camera movement is bounded to the rail from its parent to its current location |
CCompositionStage | Defines rendering stage that combines two other renderings either by putting them next to each other or through row-wise interleaving |
CCuttingPlanesStage | Renders cutting planes of volume geometries in the scene |
CDRRStage | Renders digital radiograph reconstructs of volume geometries in the scene |
CDVRStage | Performs direct volume renderings of the volume geometries in the scene |
CMaskRenderingStage | Renders 3D masks |
CMeshColorCodingStage | Implements a simple interface for mapping frame coordinates to base::Mesh objects |
CMIPLayer | Defines an intensity range and the way it is visualized by a maximum intensity projection |
CMIPStage | Renders maximum intensity projections of volume geometries in the scene |
COccludedRenderingStage | Renders geometry that is actually depth-occluded. The occluded geometry is rendered with reduced opacity on-top of the geometry that it is occluded by |
COrthogonalControl | Controls orthogonal projection matrices, that induce box-shaped visible volume, and base::Camera objects that use such projections |
CParallaxStage | Produces stereoscopic renderings |
CPerspectiveControl | Controls projection matrices that induce frustum-shaped visible volume |
CTransparentRenderingStage | Implements rendering stage that renders transparent meshes |
CVolumeRenderingStage | Defines abstract base class for rendering stages that render volume geometries in the scene |
►Ntesting | This namespace contains the test suite components |
CBufferedHUVolumeTest | Unit-tests of the Carna::base::BufferedHUVolume class |
CBufferedIntensityVolumeTest | Unit-tests of the Carna::base::BufferedIntensityVolume class |
CBufferedNormalMap3DTest | Unit-tests of the Carna::base::BufferedNormalMap3D class |
CColorTest | Unit-tests of the Carna::base::Color class |
CCuttingPlanesStageTest | Module-tests of the Carna::presets::CuttingPlanesStage class |
CDRRStageTest | Module-tests of the Carna::presets::DRRStage class |
CDVRStageTest | Module-tests of the Carna::presets::DVRStage class |
CFrameRendererHelperTest | Module-tests of the Carna::helpers::FrameRendererHelper class |
CFrameRendererIntegrationTest | Integration-tests of the Carna::base::FrameRenderer class |
CHUGZSceneFactory | Creates Carna::base::HUVolumeUInt16 object from HUGZ-file |
CHUVTest | Unit-tests of the Carna::base::HUV class |
CMaskRenderingStageIntegrationTest | Integration-tests of the Carna::presets::MaskRenderingStage class |
CMaskRenderingStageTest | Module-tests of the Carna::presets::MaskRenderingStage class |
CmathTest | Unit-tests of the Carna::base::math namespace |
CMeshColorCodingStageTest | Module-tests of the Carna::presets::MeshColorCodingStage class |
CMIPStageTest | Module-tests of the Carna::presets::MIPStage class |
COpaqueRenderingStageTest | Module-tests of the Carna::presets::OpaqueRenderingStage class |
CParallaxStageIntegrationTest | Integration-tests of the Carna::presets::ParallaxStage class |
CPointMarkerHelperTest | Module-tests of the Carna::helpers::PointMarkerHelper class |
CTransparentRenderingStageTest | Module-tests of the Carna::presets::TransparentRenderingStage class |
CVolumeGridHelperTest | Unit-tests of the Carna::helpers::VolumeGridHelper class template |
CVolumeGridTestUInt16 | Module-tests of the Carna::base::VolumeGrid class |
CVolumeGridTestUInt8 | Module-tests of the Carna::base::VolumeGrid class |
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