12 #ifndef RENDERABLE_H_6014714286 13 #define RENDERABLE_H_6014714286 15 #include <Carna/Carna.h> 49 const std::unique_ptr< Details > pimpl;
95 float eyeDistance2()
109 template<
int order >
116 const static bool isViewDependent =
143 template<
unsigned int role >
150 const static bool isViewDependent =
162 template<
int order >
169 template<
unsigned int role >
190 #endif // RENDERABLE_H_6014714286 Defines Carna::base::math namespace and CARNA_FOR_VECTOR3UI.
DepthOrder< -1 > FrontToBack
Defines partial order for renderables w.r.t. to their depth in eye space s.t. closer renderables come...
Defines scene graph leafs. Instances of this class represent visible geometry that can be rendered...
Defines Carna::base::GeometryFeature.
bool operator()(const Renderable &l, const Renderable &r) const
Returns the result of GeometryFeature::controlsSameVideoResource for the geometry features with role ...
GeometryFeature & feature(unsigned int role) const
References the feature with role attached to this node in .
Establishes partial order for renderables s.t. geometries with such GeometryFeature instances...
Represents "components" that are aggregated by Geometry objects. Closer description is given here...
float eyeDistance2() const
Returns the squared distance of geometry to the eye. If it has an associated boundary volume...
bool operator()(const Renderable &l, const Renderable &r) const
Tells whether l is further away than r for order>0 or closer for order<0 respectively.
Eigen::Matrix< float, 4, 4, Eigen::ColMajor > Matrix4f
Defines matrix.
const Geometry & geometry() const
References the geometry node.
Defines partial order for renderables w.r.t. to their depth in eye space.
virtual bool controlsSameVideoResource(const GeometryFeature &other) const =0
Tells whether this instance maintains the same video resources like other.
Represents a Geometry object that has been queued into a RenderQueue. The object's model-view transfo...
DepthOrder<+1 > BackToFront
Defines partial order for renderables w.r.t. to their depth in eye space s.t. distant renderables com...