Feedback participants: 8
Supervisors: Kerem, Janis, Ran, Renpeng, Leonid
How was your impression of the course organization? (first + second week)
Options: Very good, Good, Undecided, Bad, Very bad
Have you received enough support during the first week?
Options: Very good, Good, Undecided, Bad, Very bad
During the first week, have you mostly worked alone or in groups?
Do you have any general criticism or suggestions regarding the organization or the content of the first week?
3 answer(s)
Have you received enough support during the second week?
Options: Enough support, Mostly enough, Undecided, Mostly insufficient, Insufficient support
During the second week, have you mostly worked alone or in groups?
For you personally, what was the greatest challenge during the second week? For example, were there any specific problems which you ran into very often?
5 answer(s)
In your opinion, how interesting/relevant was Lab Session 1?
Options: Very interesting, Interesting, Undecided, Irrelevant, Very irrelevant
How difficult was Task 1? (Intensity thresholding and Dice coefficient)
Options: Too easy, Easy, About right, Difficult, Too difficult
Please only answer this question if you tried the Bonus Task 2 (Sobel filter). How difficult was it?
Options: Too easy, Easy, About right, Difficult, Too difficult
In your opinion, how interesting/relevant was Lab Session 2?
Options: Very interesting, Interesting, Undecided, Irrelevant, Very irrelevant
How difficult was Task 1? (Otsu thresholding)
Options: Too easy, Easy, About right, Difficult, Too difficult
How difficult was Task 2? (Batch processing)
Options: Too easy, Easy, About right, Difficult, Too difficult
In your opinion, how interesting/relevant was Lab Session 3?
Options: Very interesting, Interesting, Undecided, Irrelevant, Very irrelevant
How difficult was the task?
Options: Too easy, Easy, About right, Difficult, Too difficult
In your opinion, how interesting/relevant was Lab Session 4?
Options: Very interesting, Interesting, Undecided, Irrelevant, Very irrelevant
How difficult was the task?
Options: Too easy, Easy, About right, Difficult, Too difficult
In your opinion, how interesting/relevant was the bonus task?
Options: Very interesting, Interesting, Undecided, Irrelevant, Very irrelevant
How difficult was the task? (Patch-based segmentation)
Options: Too easy, Easy, About right, Difficult, Too difficult
Do you have any general criticism or suggestions regarding the organization or the content of the second week, or the course as a whole?
4 answer(s)